“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude”; words from the wise motivational speaker (Zig Ziglar)
In the civil engineering industry, our ongoing communication with various stakeholders including the client, contractor and communities requires the engineer of today to maintain a positive attitude.
As a young engineer, it is important to understand the impact that a positive attitude will have on your journey in engineering. Having a positive attitude fosters healthy relationships with colleagues in your workplace and improves your response towards new ideas, challenges or situations. Adopting a positive attitude stimulates positive changes in your life that can in turn, enhance the likelihood of achieving success.
The resilience of Naidu Consulting through a volatile economic climate coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, may be attributed to a culture of positivity that has ensured sustainability and growth. This positive culture has been fostered through several simple principles which any young engineer ought to consider in maintaining a positive attitude:
- NC embraces learning & innovation: Any growing engineer must possess an inherent desire to learn new things, introduce new techniques and processes and never being closed off to change. A mind that is closed to change and new things grows stagnant and negative. Of course, learning new things means mastering the old. This requires the budding engineer to master their traditional technical skills including guidelines, codes, engineering software, design techniques and project management skills.
- NC remained positive in the midst adversity: Naidu Consulting has built a culture of positivity, efficiency and critical thinking. Who you hang around with rubs off on you. If you’re always with negative people who complain about everything, you’ll become a complainer and see the world as negative as they do. You might think you can stay positive and change them, but that’s not going to be the case.
- NC has clear short- and long-term goals: It’s tough to be positive if you are going nowhere slowly. Goals give you something to look forward to and allow you a sense of accomplishment when you achieve them, fostering positivity.
- NC communicates positive results: It is important to fill your mind with positive things – this could be positive music, encouraging books, podcasts and positive news. If you are what you eat holds true for your body, your mind is what you feed it.
- NC does not take for granted that work SHOULD be given to us: Negativity is fostered when you live in a constant state of blame, victimhood, anger, passive-aggressiveness, and joylessness. It exists when you think that the world owes you. The budding engineer must adopt a stance of making things happen, working hard, be willing to accept change quickly and to persevere when things gets difficult.
As a young person, driven to be a successful engineer, I believe that the above are but a few principles that will foster a positive attitude spurring ongoing growth and development. If anything, Naidu Consulting fosters a culture which young people ought to aim to inculcate in order approach their careers with a positive attitude. I encourage young engineers to adopt this culture. Be open to mentorship and guidance from senior, experienced engineers and be determined to achieve success. Your attitude will determine your altitude.
An article by Nathisha Gengayah – Youth Committee Member
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